Download a PDF version of your orchards map to print at home for personal use. The number refers to the last time the map was updated.


Download a PDF version of other maps we use for working in the orchards. The blank schema is a general list/map that is helpful for marking tasks, like what trees have no fruit left, or have been winter washed or summer pruned. Print it out in B&W to make easy ticking or notes

The general schema uses 3 coloured maps to tell you which trees can be harvested every month.


Here you can download special lists of the orchards. if you are pruning you may want to download the pruning type of the trees, so you can see if its a tip bearer or a spur bearer so you can judge the style of pruning it needs (if its a tip bearer and you chop off all the tips you wont get fruit next year!) You can also download a list by harvests to know what trees need harvesting each month, together with their name, number, and orchard.

Orchard Soil Tests

These are two soil tests sent to the RHS soil testing lab after taking samples at the Riverside Orchard and the Pond Orchard in July 2023.