There are many benefits to Highbridge Community Farm. But don’t just take our word for it; see what our members have to say below.

Learn how to grow produce

We grow almost 50 type of vegetable and salads and over 100 varieties, as well as fruit and herbs. You’ll learn how to grow all kind of produce according to organic principles.

Eat organically and cheaplY

You’ll take home plenty of fresh, local and seasonal produce at a cost way below any supermarket prices

Work outdoors

Working with nature outside is recognised as a way to keep fit and enhance your mental well-being. You’ll only be asked to do activities that are appropriate to your capabilities.

Do it with others

You’ll be part of a team working together and supporting each other with a common purpose. Enjoy meeting new people, feeling a sense of community, and (except in pandemic times) having regular social events.

We started the farm project so that we could lower our food miles, eat sustainably, seasonally, and growing locally plus we’re organic. We’ve achieved our goals and the members are a great bunch of people.

Paul, Team Leader and Expert Grower